Had such a major productive day yesterday. Was very chuffed with myself though as I EVEN had work in the afternoon. Was out & about in town by 10am in the chilly air, on my many missions of the day.
First off, hit oor old trusty chain store chemist/beauty/all-round superstore that is Boots to get my eyes tested. It free to get done there & you can normally get them tested on the day you pop in for a visit. Alas was not the case for me yesterday (sod's law) however, I'm booked in for Friday after work. Had a good spy at the frames they have on offer & it is more than likely that I'm going to spend a small fortune on two pairs of glasses. Meh, think of the advantage points.
I then ventured along Princes St. up Cockburn St. to a wee shoppy (to which they have two stores in The Burgh) called Swish. A cool, funky t-shirt place, which you can get your

own print/design produced & printed onto t-shirts/hoodies. A VERY exciting place for a Printed Textile Design Graduate, as you can imagine. This was to discuss, size up & cost of the GENIUS idea I have had for my Dad's Christmas present. After this visit (in which I think the guy who I spoke to could tell I was dead happy with myself for this idea) I have discovered that I'm gonna deck my Dad out in a super-fly American Apparel t-shirt & even treat myself to an AA. hoodie in which I'm gonna pimp out w
ith one of my own designs. I. Was. In. Heaven.
After picking this poor dudes brain, I popped into treat myself to my new seasonal drink, London Fog. A combination of Earl Grey tea, vanilla syrup & hot steamed milk. Num. Num. Whilst consuming this delish drinks, I wondered round to Ripping Records to purchase myself & my dear friend Miss Leslie tickets for Professor Green. I'm not gonna lie, he is my new ab-fab fave. I could go on for absolute DAYS at how much I like him. He just comes across as such a lovely guy, who is passionate about music. Let's face it, I. Am. In. Love. Who knows? Maybe there will be a spark between the two of us while he's on stage & I'm in the crowd. A girl can dream.

My day wasn't finished yet (granted it was only about 11.45am by this time) This visit was followed by me strutting along down the Cowgate towards the Grassmarket. One of my favourite parts of The Burgh, no this isn't just because of the amount of pubs that area has to offer. It happens to be very pretty looking, which helps. I was popping into this new exciting little boutique that opened this August & has had quite some success. A friend of mines who graduated the same year as me, Hannah Livingston has created this wonderful little cove named 'Black Box Boutique'. So lovely with so many unique, one-off treasures & trinkets. I walked in & would have loved to have been able to afford ALL it had to offer. WELL DONE HANNAH. Unfortunately I had just missed her as she is a very busy lady, but I shall return & left her a wee note of well wishes.
After ALL of this, I was very hungry, in dire need of a cuppa & a sit down. Remember, I'm getting old now. The ripe old age of 24. So returned home, made myself a craicin' baked tattie & had a well deserved rest before nipping out to work at 4pm. Good productive day eh?!
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