Been a while since I've been on the blogging scene. Flippin' shocking.
So, what's new with me I hear you ask. Well. 2011 has been one heckle of a busy year. Still working away still at the olde 'Bucks. Go through the motions really, one minute really enjoying it and making the most of it and the
n the next feeling like a robot and going in, doing the same day in day out. I'm enjoying it currently though, which is the main thing.

This year for music has been quite exciting. Lady Gaga has been doing her thing, absolutely lovsing her new song, 'You & I'. It has quite a country/rock feel to it, you can't fault her vocals. Rekindled my love for a childhood love which happens to be
Charlie Simpson (you know.. the lead from Busted). He has gone solo since his stint with Fightstar, He has now gone solo and brought out the album titled, 'Young Pilgrim' which I still need to purchase but have enjoyed a few of the tracks off of it, especially 'Parachutes'.

Fashion 2011 has also been a fore-runner. To be honest, I think
I'm one of the
only people who enjoys the fact that winter is chapping at our door once more. I am a ginger, we do not tan in the sun and have sensitive skin, I have learned to deal with it. Plus I adore layering up. Winter boots- Check. Thick socks- Check. Woolie tights- Check. Cozy jumper- Check. Turning into an old lady- Absolute CHECK.
I have started knitting again which is good, totes loving it. Been a lot more experimental with my technique. Probably not
doing anything that has not been done before but I'm enjoying myself doing it which is the main thing.... So there.
Oh well, best be off and start the day. Toodles.
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