On this what can only be described as a GLORIOUS Sunday, I find myself contemplating how one might spend her bonus from work. I worked darn hard to get it, so feel like I deserve to treat my self with perhaps a couple of super-cool-yet-practical buys.

First up I need, need, NEED new headphones. A colleague at work (who has a degree in Sound Engineering) told me that you should never used headphones which are inserted into your actual ear. It's not good for your eardrum & obviously the tissue in your ear is quite sensitive. Your not even suppose to use cotton buds in your ears, so why on earth would you put something that pumps music at any volume in there. Shocking really. So I've asked for his expertise on whats the best on the current market for no more than £30. Sennheiser 202 HD from HMV for £29.99 are what he came up with. Think its a pretty good shout. There are however very good looking ones in Urban Outfitters. Maybe too posey-look-at-me? No? Yes?

Second of all (& probs best be the last for the now... Christmas is just round the corner mind) I would like.. No LOVE to purchase a pair of absolute jammin' space-jam trainers. Now, when I say space-jam trainers, I mean like hi-top Nike trainers. The type that Marty McFly would wear. An absolute sick pair. A cool pair that would go with a lot of my wee dresses.

Tea dresses, skirts & shirts, leggings with baggy tops & most of all, espesh my gorge long-sleeved, black, all-rounder Warehouse maxi dress. Best buy of my life. £14.00 in the sale. Bosh.

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